2003 下半年"木神企業有限公司"於台中成立,主要業務出口台灣製造各式工具。
2019 下半年為跨足健身及戶外用品出口業務,於宜蘭成立"百善國際貿易有限公司"。
2020 二月開立"PYSUN 台灣零售網"主要目的為將精選台灣製造的好產品提供給大家使用。
結合了安全 | 創新 | 品質等元素,才能通過我們的嚴選過程,也唯有如此,產品才能得到您的青睞。
"π" 是無限也是永恆,PYSUN 期許用我們的產品,跟著大家走向戶外,或是陪您家居時刻養成持續運動的習慣,一起迎向"π生"無限生活新世代。
2003 "ACBA Incorporation" established in Taichung export with repair tools made in Taiwan.
2019 "PYSUN Corp." established in Yilan export with fitness and outdoors gears made in Taiwan.
2020 "PYSUN Retail Taiwan" site published to present our selected products to local customers.
We choose products with safety, innovation and quality. That's why our products were favored by you.
PYSUN wish our products will accompany you outdoors, or exercise with you at home. Welcome to the new "Healthy Living" generation.
Please contact us by e-mail for B2B service.
周一至周五 09:00 AM - 17:00 PM